Friday, December 08, 2006

Update on Jimmy

Just wanted to give you an update on my friend Jimmy who was shot. And thank you so much to everyone for your concerns. You don't know what it means to Elizabeth. Monday Elizabeth's friends Jim and Kris, who own the Pub in Elyria, were featured in the newspaper and a story ran on Fox 8 News. They were taking donations to set up a care package to be sent to their 23 yr old son Jimmy and his unit. He was currently stationed in Baghdad, Iraq. On Wednesday Jim Sr received a call that his son had been shot by a sniper and would soon be undergoing his second emergency surgery in Germany, but they were having difficulty stopping the bleeding. Jimmy had been shot in the upper part of his leg/thigh and the bullet had severed his femoral artery and continued through to the other leg. Last I had heard was that there was talk of a possible amputation. Also they are bringing him to a hospital in DC for recovery, but he won’t be able to begin rehabilitation for at least three months. Fox 8 had a follow-up story about it on last nights news. Please continue to keep him and h is family in your prayers until we know he is safely home and recovering. Thanks again for all of your.